
General Rules

These are the general rules for my commissions. This is a simplified version of the TOS. If you wish to read the detailed version (which I recommend), click the button below.

  • The artist reserves the right to refuse certain commissions such as: NSFW, heavy gore, and mecha.

  • Payments are only in USD (United States Dollars) and PHP (Philippine Peso).

  • Payment is to be done upfront before the artist can begin said commission.

  • Refunds can only be issued when the artist has not begun the commission.

  • All payments are final, there are no refunds unless; The artist is to run into personal circumstances that the artist can not fix within a certain timeframe. (i.e; illnesses, spoiled tablet/pen etc)

  • Paid commissions will be considered final if the client loses contact with the artist without reason.

  • A rush order will be entitled to additional charges given by the artist.

  • Commissions with no set deadline will have a turnaround of 1 week - 2 months.

  • Prices stated are base prices for a single character only, multiple characters are 70% base price x per additional character.

  • Clients are entitled to a maximum of one revision AFTER sketch, requesting more revisions may result in additional fees.

  • Redistribution/re-uploads of finished commissions require eligible credit to the artist.

  • There are no refunds after a commission has been/is considered concluded.


Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the commission. However, prices are negotiable.

LineartFlat ColorRendered
Additional Character+70%
Commercial Fee+80%

Terms of Service


  • The following Terms of Service are for personal use only unless stated otherwise.

  • Failure to comply or to read the Terms of Service will not exempt the client from penalties.

  • The artist reserves the right to cancel or refuse commissions without having to disclose their reasons.

  • Clients will not receive the unwatermarked version of commissioned artworks. (However watermarks will be a lot more smaller, discreet and hidden so it will not distract too much from the commissioned piece)

  • Commissions are a digital purchase, therefore the client will not be receiving a physical copy of said commissioned work.

  • Should the client lose contact with the artist without a reason or has become unresponsive after 14 days/2 weeks the commission will be considered concluded and no refunds will be issued.


  • The artist holds the rights to the piece therefore reserving the right to post commissioned works on social media.

  • Should a client wish to keep the commissioned work private, it is requested of them to inform the artist before a commission starts.

  • Clients are recommended to have their references / descriptions or ideas ready. If not, they are free to discuss with the artist.

  • The artist does not hold the rights to a character & the intellectual property that belongs to the client.

  • Clients may not tamper or alter the artist's watermark or signature.

  • Clients will automatically receive work-in-progress images and updates as the artist works on it (on a weekly basis by default or however many times a client wishes to be updated on progress per week).

  • A rush order will be entitled to an additional charge given by the artist.

  • Commissioned turnarounds without expected deadlines will be 1 week - 2 months depending on workload.

  • Clients will only be receiving the watermarked .PNG files.

  • Clients are not permitted to use commissioned works for AI generated content.

Fees & additional Charges

  • Additional charges are (but not limited to) backgrounds, props, additional characters per piece etc.

  • Prices stated are base prices for a single character only, multiple characters are 70% base price x per additional character.

  • Clients are entitled to a maximum of two revisions AFTER sketch, requesting more revisions may result in additional fees.

Payment and Refund Policy

  • Payment is to be done upfront to start the commission.

  • Clients must pay in full before the sketch. However, clients are permitted to pay 50% BEFORE sketch and the remaining 50% AFTER sketch.

  • Payments are only in USD (United States Dollars) and PHP (Philippine Peso).

  • Payments will be conducted only through PayPal Invoices.

  • The artist does not accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment.

  • Any monetary compensation that is made without the consent of the artist is to be treated as a donation.

  • A document of the Terms Of Service will be attached to the invoice sent to the commissioner.

  • All payments are final, there are no refunds unless; The artist is to run into personal circumstances/debilitating situations that the artist can not fix within a certain timeframe. (i.e; illnesses, spoiled tablet/pen etc)

  • The client may request a full refund if the artist has not started working on their commission.

  • The client will receive a full refund if the client has paid and the artist has canceled the commission.

  • When a refund is issued, the client may not request a chargeback as the artist will be personally sending the amount back to the client.

  • There are no refunds after a commission has been/is considered concluded.

Personal & Commercial Use

  • Redistribution/re-uploads of commissioned work are allowed only when the watermark/signature is eligible/intact and credit is given.

  • If the watermark is tampered with, cropped out or removed and is uploaded to any form of social networking media platform, the artist reserves the right to remove the post containing said tampered artwork and forfeit the commission.

  • Clients are prohibited from claiming products/commissioned work as their own work. Clients may not use their commissions for commercialized use without discussing with the artist.

  • Clients are allowed to physically print commissioned works as long as it is not used for commercial purposes.

  • All commissions fall under personal use only until stated otherwise.

  • Commissions that will be used for commercial use will be subjected to a fee.

  • Commercial use is (but not limited to) merchandise, promotional use, advertisement, integration into product(s), softwares or any other business-related tools etc.

  • Strictly excludes illegal, defamatory and immoral purposes.

  • Commissions that are for commercial use must be brought to the attention of the artist before the artist begins the commission.